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Signals Analytics & Software Development

4DV Analytics is a data engineering company that develops integrated Big Data Scalable Solutions for our customers. Our business is helping customers extract value from their data. We provide cost effective solutions to utilize state of the art machine learning algorithms to extract knowledge from social media, unstructured text, geo-time series data and sensor data into active decision support solutions for business intelligence, situational awareness, supply chain management and market analysis applications.

​Based in Ashburn, Virginia, 4DV Analytics (formerly Business & Engineering Systems Corporation) is an innovative company that develops geospatially-aware text and data mining solutions for business intelligence applications. We provide solutions that give near real-time decision support by correlating data from satellite sensors, text (with/without metadata), geospatial sources, and derived quantitative measurements.

​We use advanced signal processing techniques to measure changes in the data and emerging events to predict probable trends in areas such as econometrics, import-export activity, and consumer activity. Our algorithms learn and adapt with the underlying mechanics and fundamentals of the data, making it possible for our algorithms and predictors to evolve as structural changes occur. This minimizes issues with structural breaks that occur in commonly used techniques.

4DV supports clients in a variety of markets, including business consulting, investment analysis, mergers and acquisitions, technology assessments, business intelligence, defense, and law enforcement. We provide design solutions and advisory services for earth observation systems, real-time decision support systems, social media analytics, competitive intelligence, market decision support, and government mission critical applications.

​4DV’s analysis team provides research and analytic recommendations on business, technology, and cultural topics for customers using advanced mining techniques to identify pertinent information in technical papers, on the internet, in news, and in other sources.

​Partnered With The Best: 4DV Analytics’s senior staff provide technical and business consulting expertise in a wide variety or arenas. Our team members work with partners and vendors to provide the best solutions for our customers. We help develop strategies to leverage data technologies to maximize performance and business operations.

​Overwatch Security and Assessments LLC is honored to have 4DV Analytics as a partner and a member of the company’s Distinguished Advisory Board. This combination of like-minded and forward-thinking professionals will go to great lengths to help ensure our select VIP customers have the benefit of the latest in available advanced technological solutions to add to the suite of offered security services for their corporate, individual, or family security needs.