Martin Knott


Firearms and Defensive Tactics Coordinator - Protective Operations SME

Martin (Jay) Knott is a career federal law enforcement officer who also served as a U.S. Marine Infantryman on five combat tours. While in the Marines, Mr. Knott was trained and utilized as an Infantry Platoon Commander, Infantry Small Unit Leader, Instructor, Chief Instructor, and Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (SNCOIC) of several programs and formal schools.

In his civilian life Mr. Knott has studied the martial arts for more than 40 years. He holds Black Belts in Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate, Budoshin Ju Jitsu, and a Black Belt Martial Arts Instructor Trainer (MAIT) in the U. S Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. He also held instructor certifications in the Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary System (SCARS), and Russian Systema. While in the Marines Jay fought all over the world and has utilized his skills in hand to hand combat on the battlefield.

Mr. Knott served in the Marines Second Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Company (2DFAST Co.) as an Infantry Small Unit Leader, Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Team Lead, Advanced Urban Combat Instructor, MAIT, Dynamic Entry Specialist, and Small Arms Weapons Instructor (SAWI). As a MAIT he held the highest Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) in the Marines for Martial Arts and Hand to Hand Combat. As SAWI he held the second highest MOS in the Marines for Small Arms Weapons Instruction and was a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for all weapons systems from the 9mm Service Pistol to the MK 19, 40mm Grenade Launcher.

Jay then transferred to Third Marine Regiment (3D Mar Reg) where he served as a Platoon Sergeant and Platoon Commander for two separate deployed commands. Due to his experience and security clearance, he was selected for an individual augment to Afghanistan where he served as an Operations SNCO. Mr. Knott trained and developed a special use security team in Afghanistan and led them on missions including Personnel Security, Dignitary Protective Details, Convoy Operations, as well as Counter Intelligence and Counter Surveillance sweeps in defense of the command. He then took over as the SNCOIC of the Martial Arts Instructor School and Advanced Infantry Training School for 3D Mar Reg. While in this role he developed The Urban Patrolling and Combat Operations Course. This course was submitted and approved by the USMC Training and Education Command (TECOMM) and adopted Marine Corps wide. He was also selected to be the SNCOIC for the newly formed Marine Corps Warfighting Labs Distributed Operations Program. He led a team of 10 Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) in developing a training program to teach Marines to operate in small units, near or behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy’s ability to coordinate, resupply, and regroup. Jay retired from the Marines in 2007.

Mr. Knott then transitioned to a career in federal law enforcement and has served as Firearms Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Deputy Regional Commander, Regional Commander, and Hard Skills Training Team Lead (HST TL). As the HST TL Jay was the Subject Matter Expert for Firearms Training for 3 Protective Operations Groups that included Police, Dignitary Protection, and Paramilitary Operations. Jay used his martial arts and law enforcement experience to develop the Ground Defense Instructor Course (GDIC) that was adopted by the entire service. He served as the only Instructor Trainer for that program for almost 10 years.