Steven Swenson


Threat Management/Risk Assessment Coordinator

Steve was with the United States Marshals Service (USMS) from 1985-2009. During his distinguished career he became nationally recognized as a subject-matter-expert (SME) in the specialized program areas of security, threat, and risk management; security, threat, and risk assessments; protective intelligence; protective services; judicial and facility security; guard force management; and major facility construction/renovation security integration. Key assignments include Steve being designated Security Programs Manager for the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse construction project and the St. Paul Federal Courthouse renovation project; investigating and managing 300+ inappropriate communications targeting Federal judges, U.S. Attorneys, and other government officials; the District of Minnesota (D/MN) Protective Intelligence Investigator and Threat Analysis Coordinator (1989-2009); the D/MN Court Security Coordinator (1987-1999); Authoring the MN Conference of Chief Judges Court Security Manual; Conducting 50+ Courthouse, Residential, and Facility security assessments; Domestic Terrorism instructor for the National Interagency Civil-Military Institute (San Luis Obispo, CA); Certified Instructor for the MN Peace Officer Standards and Training Board; Instructor on Program Development, Threat Management Strategies, and Case Studies for the USMS Office of Protective Intelligence; appointed SME to the USMS Special Purpose and Space Requirements and Specifications Board, Threat Analysis Division Process Improvement Team, CSO National Contracts Technical Evaluations Board, and CSO Contracting Officers Training Board; and Revising the USMS, JSD/OPI national publication “A guide to Protective Investigations and Contemporary Threat Management.”

Upon retiring in 2009 Steve founded CJES. He researched, authored, and published the CJES, Judicial Counter-Violence Initiative (JCVI), Court-Targeted Acts of Violence (C-TAV) Study on courthouse shootings, bombings, and arson-attacks in the United States from 1970-2009; developed security, threat, risk, behavioral and vulnerability assessment methodology processes specific to judicial, government, school, and executive services and facility self-protection; developed a facility threat/risk level (FTRL) designation matrix identifying 9-factors to analyze and assess general threat/risk; served as security consultant for Ryan Companies US, Inc. and partnered with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) on multiple projects to include being awarded a BJA grant to conduct the National Assessment on State, Tribal, and Local Courthouse Security. Steve is currently working on the development of CJES strategic studies and advanced informational materials and train-the-trainer manuals re: Inclusive School Safety & Security; and Contemporary Threat/Risk Management.

As the Threat Management Coordinator for Overwatch Security and Assessments LLC Steve can be contacted via their website at