Global Emergency Monitoring Services

At Overwatch Security & Assessments (OW), we know that it's important to be able to keep close tabs on your loved ones, employees, and valuable assets while they travel the globe. That's why we offer our Global Emergency Monitoring Services, which use a variety of state-of-the-art tracking devices and app-driven solutions to track and monitor the status of your most important personnel and assets in real-time. This comprehensive service also includes emergency response and personnel recovery protocols so you can act quickly in the event that security assistance is needed. Read on to learn more about our Global Emergency Monitoring Services, and contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Global Emergency Monitoring Services

Know that you, your loved ones, corporate personnel, and priority assets are accounted for and in reach at all times. Overwatch deploys tracking equipment which taps the connectivity of Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellular, and Satellite to give you secure global visibility for those that matter the most. Each device or app driven solution carries a duress beacon feature to trigger emergency response and personnel recover protocols, as needed.

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Personal Travel Security

Traveling around the world in these times can cause stress and anxiety, especially for high-profile individuals and their loved ones. With our Global Emergency Monitoring Services, you can rest assured knowing that we have your back every step of the way. Our team of highly trained security experts will work with you to develop a personalized travel security plan that takes into account (take out all) the possible risks and threats you may encounter throughout your itinerary. OW also offers aviation and maritime assessment services as a part of our travel security portfolio for our clients that can benefit from the specialized services during their travel planning. We'll also provide you with a sophisticated and secured tracking device so you can be monitored 24/7 and located in real-time if necessary. As an added measure of security, we will create actionable emergency response and mitigation plan that can be activated at a moment's notice.

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Employee and Personnel Travel Monitoring

If you have employees or corporate personnel who travel frequently for work, it's important to know that they are (take out always) safe and accounted for. With our Global Emergency Monitoring Services, you can track your employees' whereabouts in real-time and receive alerts if they stray off their intended travel itinerary, or enter into a high-risk area. Our analysts can also provide you with detailed reports on their activities so you can evaluate safety protocols and make necessary improvements as you deem appropriate. In the event that an employee is kidnapped or goes missing, our team of recovery experts will utilize our vast network of contacts and coordinate with local authorities to bring them back to safety.

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Asset Tracking and Security

In today's global economy, it's more important than ever to keep a close eye on your company's assets during both intranational and international transit. Our Global Emergency Monitoring Services can track vehicles, containers, shipments, and any other high-value assets in real-time. Our experts will craft detailed emergency response plans that can be promptly initiated in the event that your assets are tampered with, taken off course, or compromised in any way. Is your organization capable of mitigating and responding to all of the potential crises you may encounter during global operations? Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Emergency Response & Personnel Recovery Protocols

Overwatch’s global network of partners and service providers empower us to do more than track personnel and remain informed should problems arise during our client’s business or personnel travel. At OW, we prepare for possible contingencies up to and including personnel recovery coordination. These procedures are implemented before our clients travel and serve as a framework for an expedited response should any incident occur which might require emergency response while our clients travel abroad.

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Risk Assessment and Threat Mitigation

The world can be a dangerous place, and it's important to be prepared for any and all potential threats. Overwatch Security & Assessments offers a wide range of threat mitigation services that are designed to protect your people, property, and operations from harm. Our team of experienced security professionals can provide you with a comprehensive risk assessment of your itinerary or asset relocation plan and create a custom security strategy that takes into account (took out all of) the potential threats you may face.

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Custom Travel Plans

When it comes to the people and assets you value the most, it pays to leave your global travel security to the experts. Overwatch Security & Assessments has extensive experience creating customized travel plans that help to mitigate the risks associated with traveling to high-risk areas. We'll work with you to develop a plan that takes into account your specific needs and concerns, and our team of security experts will be on hand 24/7 to provide support and execute emergency response plans if needed. Get in touch with us today to get started.

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In an ever-evolving climate of global uncertainty, Overwatch Security & Assessments can help keep your loved ones, employees, and assets safe and secure. With our global emergency monitoring services and emergency response capabilities, you can rest assured that you are doing everything in your power to mitigate threats and prevent unwanted outcomes. We like to say that with Overwatch Security and Assessments on your travel planning team, we help you BE safe, not just FEEL safe. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can best serve your needs.

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