Personal & Corporate Investigations

Personal & Corporate Investigations

Personal & Corporate Investigations

Overwatch Security & Assessment's team of seasoned criminal and administrative investigators can bring clarity, expert guidance, and resolution to complex internal investigations. From insider threat and corporate espionage to routine investigations for individuals who require corporate vetting prior to receipt of proprietary information or valued resources, Overwatch's team has the diverse cadre of experts to maximize the likelihood of the desired outcome.

Navigate Complex Internal Security Investigations

It can be hard to place a price on the compromise of proprietary information in today’s hypercompetitive private sector. Overwatch Security & Assessment’s team of experienced criminal and administrative investigators are dedicated to quietly and discreetly providing support in all internal corporate situations. Our prior experience in complex law enforcement investigations in conjunction with OW’s cutting-edge technical collection and security solutions position us to preempt unwanted outcomes, gain situational awareness for information breaches, and assist stakeholders in mitigating unwanted outcomes.


Consult with Overwatch’s Investigative Cadre on how we might manage the issue and mitigate the likelihood of an unwanted outcome.

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