Residential Security Assessments

camera outside large estate

Residential Security Assessments

Your home is your castle and when it comes to residential security, we want our clients to have the utmost peace of mind, knowing they have the technology, structural hardware, and appropriate emergency action plans to empower our clients to BE safe, not just FEEL safe. After conducting a comprehensive residential and threat assessment for each of our clients, Overwatch will provide a detailed report to your preferred vendor/contractor or, if desired, coordinate the project on your behalf making it a low-stress and more efficient process.

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Bespoke Security Solutions

At Overwatch Security & Assessments, LLC (OW) we recognize that the high-level of service we offer is rooted in the foundation of our diverse staff and leadership's solid expertise, an incredible work ethic, courage in the mission, and the utmost dedication to our clients. Our team consists of "Program Coordinators", "Program Specialists", and a number of close consultants who support OW on our "Distinguished Advisory Board." Whatever your security needs may be, you can trust that our panel of experts will formulate the best path forward to ensure continuity of business operations, and peace of mind for you, your loved ones, and corporate personnel.

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