Social Media & Web Monitoring

Critical Defense Against Threats and Unwanted Outcomes

In today’s digital age, you have to be extremely vigilant about threats that originate, spread, and intensify across social media and other online platforms. Whether you are an individual in the public-eye, a public organization, or a private corporation, staying apprised of online developments that can affect your brand, your operations, and your safety is of paramount importance. At Overwatch Security & Assessments, our threat management specialists leverage cutting-edge technology, proven intelligence gathering techniques, and expert analysis to monitor social media and web platforms across the globe and identify threats to our clients safety, reputation, and best interests. Our Social Media and Web Monitoring services are essential protective intelligence capabilities that can help you identify and mitigate threats before they become catastrophic.

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Social Media & Web Monitoring Services

Featuring real-time collection and expert analysis, we are your first line of defense against threats and unwanted outcomes

Overwatch Security & Assessments, LLC leverages powerful industry leading collection technology to conduct comprehensive collection of information which may impact our clients corporate interests or personal safety. We collect from tens of thousands of data sources in over 150 languages in real-time using AI-enabled software to find open source intelligence relevant to our clients. This has proven to be an essential element to any sophisticated protective intelligence capability in the public sector in the prevention of unwanted outcomes such as active shooter events and criminal targeting. Overwatch now brings this level of intelligence gathering and analytical expertise to our select clients and partner organizations.

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Mass Casualty Event Prevention - Stop Active Shooters Before They Start

Recent incidents in the U.S. and elsewhere highlight the need for schools, higher learning institutions, and corporations to implement a robust and effective social media and web monitoring service which is supported by a full-spectrum threat management program. The incorporation of social media and web monitoring analysis is one of the greatest defensive measures we can take to protect our most critical locations as a nation and within our communities. Those charged with protecting our most vulnerable populations can no longer wait for or rely solely on our law enforcement and platform based detection protocols.

Overwatch offers our clients industry leading social media and web monitoring services that can detect active shooter "leakage" that is often displayed BEFORE a mass casualty/active shooter event. This allows would-be perpetrators to be identified and stopped before escalating to a violent outcome. In so many of these cases, desperate cries for help and attention posted online or in chat forums go unnoticed or unreported until it is too late. Only in the aftermath does law enforcement frequently discover the breadcrumbs and pre-incident indicators leading up to these devastating outcomes.

Overwatch Security's works to identify these threatening persons early on by incorporating the same threat detection methodology used by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide to protect our critical infrastructure and government executives.

Our industry leading collection capabilities in conjunction with our threat management and protective intelligence operations, increase the likelihood that the mass casualty/active shooter events will be stopped before a life is lost. Better yet, we recognize how critical this service is for our clients and strive to make these services available at a cost point that is reasonable and scaled to your needs.

In other words, we help you BE safe, not just Feel safe. Contact us today to see what our web monitoring and threat management services can do for you.

Social Media & Web Monitoring Features



Our unique suite of tools and web monitoring filters collect information from thousands of data sources on the surface, deep, and even illicit reaches of the dark web. We provide near real-time information gathering with automated alerts as necessary. You'll know what's happening, when you need it most. Because we collect and securely retain all data in our servers in real-time, even quickly deleted threats and posts can often be retained and handled appropriately, to include providing to law enforcement who might otherwise have little recourse to recover deleted information.



We search and compile related data in over 150 languages for every entity, persona, and/or identifier for protected persons/family members and companies.

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State of the art sentiment detection software allows our analysts to sift right to the relevant data collected by our comprehensive data streams/filters. This means faster, more targeted analysis and even real-time support for special events or high visibility incidents.



searches allow us to create a virtual perimeter of those areas which matter most to our clients such as residences, businesses, or public events. This outer security layer adds critical intelligence to your existing security posture.

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Knowing about a potential security risk is only part of the problem. Our highly skilled team of security experts and analysts bring decades of experience in protective operations, federal law enforcement investigations, and threat management to the table. We liaise with law enforcement on your behalf, as desired, to mitigate any unwanted outcome. We bring a level of protection and capability to our private sector corporate partners and high-net worth clientele rarely seen outside of the government sector.

Be Informed. Increase Your Awareness. Stay Safe.

The Social Media & Web Monitoring services from Overwatch Security & Assessments provide our clients with the essential protective intelligence capabilities they need to stay apprised of threats that emerge across social media and web platforms. Our services empower our clients with the technology, analysis, and critical insights they need to translate online monitoring into real-world security. Armed with this intelligence, Overwatch Security can coordinate with our clients security representatives on mitigation strategies or directly respond to potential threats and make informed decisions that reduce the likelihood of unwanted outcomes. Are you prepared to meet the ever-changing threats posed by an increasingly connected world?

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