Bespoke Security Solutions

Helping Our Clients Be Safe Not Just Feel Safe

Industry Leading Security Services For Corporations, Centers of Learning, and High-net Worth Families

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Social Media & Web Monitoring Services

We are your first line of defense against threats and unwanted outcomes, featuring real-time collection and expert analysis.

Overwatch Security & Assessments, LLC leverages powerful industry-leading collection technology to conduct a comprehensive collection of information that may impact our client's corporate interests or personal safety. We collect from tens of thousands of data sources in over 150 languages in real-time using AI-enabled software to find open-source intelligence relevant to our clients. This has proven to be an essential element to any sophisticated protective intelligence capability in the public sector to prevent unwanted outcomes such as active shooter events and criminal targeting. Overwatch now brings this level of intelligence gathering and analytical expertise to our select clients and partner organizations.

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Helping our clients BE safe, not just FEEL safe

We recognize that the high level of service we offer is rooted in the foundation of our diverse staff and leadership's solid expertise, an incredible work ethic, courage in the mission, and the utmost dedication to our clients.

Our team consists of "Program Coordinators," "Program Specialists," and several close consultants who support OW on our "Distinguished Advisory Board." Whatever your security needs may be, you can trust that our panel of experts will formulate the best path forward to ensure continuity of business operations and peace of mind for you, your loved ones, and corporate personnel.

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Providing seamless integration of the industry's finest technical solutions, behavior-based mitigation strategies, and leading security services.

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